Unveiling the Superiority of GFRP Rebars over Traditional TMT Steel Bars in Diverse Scenarios
Innovation is the driving force behind structural evolution. As we navigate through the 21st century, materials with enhanced strength, durability and sustainability are taking centre stage. One such revolutionary contender challenging the conventional norms is Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer or GFRP bars, proving their mettle in various construction scenarios where they outshine the traditional Thermo-Mechanically Treated or TMT steel bars. Let us delve into the fascinating world of construction materials, shedding light on the scenarios where GFRP bars emerge as the superior choice. - Corrosion Resistance: The Silent Battle Beneath the Surface In the relentless war against corrosion, fiberglassreinforced polymer bars stand tall as an impervious fortress. Unlike their TMT steel counterparts, GFRP bars ar...